The hosts of the morning show on Radio Kuku, Britta-Mariya Alas and Sander Punamya, asked questions, which were answered by the Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise.
Critical questions and different opinions are the most useful. Of course, this is only true when one is prepared to alter one's own convictions or go to the trouble of convincing those who disagree, writes Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise.
Taro, K. (2018). Administrative Reform as Part of State Reform. Collection of articles: Administrative reform 2017 in Estonia, pp 523-560. Tallinn: Ministry of Finance.
Olle, V., Lust-Vedder, L. (2018). The Protection of the Constitutional Guarantees for Local Government during the Administrative-Territorial Reform. Collection of articles: Administrative reform 2017 in Estonia, pp 523-560. Tallinn: Ministry of Finance.