Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise

The Chancellor of Justice is a sole and independent constitutional institution. The institution of the Chancellor of Justice is not part of the legislative, executive or judicial powers, it is not a political or a law enforcement body. The Riigikogu appoints the Chancellor of Justice on the proposal of the President of the Republic for a term of seven years. 

Ülle Madise was appointed Chancellor of Justice in 2015. On 15 December 2021, the Riigikogu appointed Ülle Madise as Chancellor of Justice for a second term. Her second term began on 4 April 2022.

Photo: Iris Kivisalu 

Curriculum vitae

Ülle Madise

Born on 11 December 1974 in Tartu


2007–2007Tallinn University of Technology, PhD
2001–2006University of Tartu, PhD candidate
1998–2001University of Tartu, magister iuris (cum laude)
1993–1998University of Tartu, Law Faculty, BA (cum laude)

Institution and position

2015–...The Chancellor of Justice of the Republic of Estonia
2016–2021Visiting Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Tartu
2011–2016Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Tartu
2009–2011Professor of Public Law, Tallinn University of Technology
2009–2015Legal Adviser to the President of the Republic of Estonia
2006–2010Member of the National Electoral Commitee
2005–2009Lecturer of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, Tallinn University of Technology
2005–2008Director of Audit, National Audit Office
2002–2005Adviser and Head of Secretariat, Constitutional Commitee of the Riigikogu
2002–2002Adviser to the Minister of Justice on parliamentary matters
2001–2005Lecturer, University of Tartu
1998–2002Head of Public Law Department, Ministry of Justice
1997–1998Specialist of Public Law Department, Ministry of Justice

R&D related managerial and administrative work 

2015−...Member of the Supervisory Board of the Iuridicum Foundation 
2012−...Chief Editor of the Commented Edition of the Constitution (3. ed. 2012; 4. ed. 2017)
2012−...Chairperson of the Jury of Enn Soosaar's Prize in Ethics Essay Contest
Member of the Board of the European Region of International Ombudsman Institute (IOI)
2013−2022Member of the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)
2015−2021Member of the Board of the European Region of International Ombudsman Institute (IOI), and since October 2017, member of the IOI World Board
2013−2015Member of the Council of the Ethics of Public Officials
2012−2015Member of the Community Advisory Board of the Estonian Public Broadcasting
2011−2012Member of the Regulatory Committee of the 32. Jurists' Days
2011−2012Member of Program Committee of the Lawyers´ Congress "Constitution 20. From the Pragmatism of Legal Practice to Constitutionalism"
2010−2015Independent expert of GRECO
2010−2015Member of the Board of Governors of the Estonian Academy of Arts
2010−2011Member of the Transitional Evaluation Team of law curricula

Creative work

Author of the radio talk-show of popular science „Õigus ja Õiglus“ (Radio Kuku, 2016-2018)
Author of the radio talk-show of popular science "Vanamehed kolmandalt" (Radio Kuku, 2009-2015)
Numerous research and opinion articles in Estonian press