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Opinions of the Chancellor of Justice, proposals to the Riigikogu, requests to the Supreme Court, memoranda to the executive branch, recommendations, explanations, summaries of inspection visits.


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advokaat Nääs ja õiguskantsler esinevad õliõpilastele
A discussion evening with law students
On February 3rd, at the Office of the Chancellor of Justice, Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise and Widen Legal law firm partner Oliver Nääs discussed legality and the burden of proof at an event organized by the Estonian Law Students' Union.
EducationGood administrationHuman rightsRule of Law
õiguskantslerit külastanud Mongoolia delegatsioon
Visitors from Mongolia

The Chancellor of Justice was visited by a six-member delegation from the Mongolian National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), with a wish to learn about the work of the Chancellor as the national human rights institution and gain an overview of its activities in the field of data protection. During the visit, meetings are also scheduled with representatives from the Data Protection Inspectorate and the Ministry of Justice and Digital Affairs. In the two preceding days, the Mongolian colleagues visited the Danish Human Rights Centre.

Chancellor of Justice: A way should be found to compensate for participation in reservist training exercises fairly

A reservist asked whether the fee and compensation for participating in a training exercise align with the Constitution. He travelled from abroad to attend the reserve training exercise and lost a significant amount of his salary. The fee and compensation are intended to cover some of the expenses related to participating in the training – as daily tasks remain undone and additional costs arise.

Rule of Law
Owners of parking cards for vehicles serving individuals with mobility disabilities or visual impairments can now park for up to 12 hours free of charge at the parking lots of the East-Tallinn Central Hospital (ITK) Ravi and Magdaleena units

Last year, the Chancellor of Justice was approached with a concern that at the Magdaleena unit of ITK, even patients using designated parking spaces for vehicles serving people with disabilities were required to pay parking fees.

The ITK parking lots are located on private property, which gives the owner the right to set parking fees at their discretion. Nevertheless, the Chancellor of Justice proposed to the hospital’s management that parking fees should not be charged to owners of parking cards intended for persons with disabilities.

Rights of people with disabilitiesHealth care
Ombudspersons and their advisers from 18 Countries Gathered in Estonia to Discuss AI and Human Rights

This week, ombudspersons and their advisers from 18 countries across Europe, Africa, and Asia convened in Estonia for a two-day training seminar focused on the technological, legal, and ethical dimensions of AI in administrative decisions and ombuds investigations.

Digital worldHuman rights

HOT TOPIC: Green Transition

Estonia's nature is our invaluable treasure and guarantee for the future. Preserving biodiversity, and the purity of air, land, and water is a fundamental responsibility for each of us. Estonia cannot be detached from planet Earth, which is why, for the future of Estonia, we must consider the whole planet, including what is happening both nearby and far away.

The rule of law does not threaten environmental protection, even though it may seem that way at first glance.

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Initiatives of the Chancellor of Justice

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Initiatives launched by the Office of the Chancellor of Justice, undertaken in collaboration with other organisations or supported under the patronage of Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise.

Clear Message

The Estonian Language Institute (EKI) invites people to recognize and honour those individuals, companies, and organizations that value the beauty of the Estonian language and whose societal messages are clear and understandable through the "Selge sõnum" ("Clear Message") competition.

Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise has been an advocate for clear language and the patron of the "Selge sõnum" competition since 2017.

Clear Message

Book "Human Rights"

The Office of the Chancellor of Justice has prepared the book "Human Rights", which is the first comprehensive collection in Estonian on the subject of human rights. The editor-in-chief of the book is Liiri Oja, PhD, Head of the Human Rights Department of the Office of the Chancellor of Justice.

Open book

Exhibition "One Language - Many Stories"

Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise participated in the exhibition "One Language - Many Stories" organized by the German Embassy ​​and spoke about what the German language has given her.

Watch the video

WEEK'S QUOTE: About the use of smart devices in schools

"Naturally, it is in Estonia's long-term interest that children and young people learn to use digital tools in the most sensible way. When seeking solutions, we cannot rely solely on the knowledge and experiences of previous generations; it is essential to involve and trust young people themselves."

See the Chancellor's opinion



Training seminar on artificial intelligence and human rights

On October 15-16, ombudspersons and their advisors from 18 countries visited Estonia to discuss artificial intelligence and human rights topics.

Human Rights Annual Conference “War, Dictatorship and Human Rights“

This year's annual human rights conference's theme was war, dictatorship and human rights. Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise interviewed professor of international relations Nina L. Hrushtshova and Nobel Peace Prize laureate and editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta Dmitry Muratov in the discussion group "For the sake of Russia...".

Social media

Sotsiaalmeediasõltuvus, nn brain rot, väsinud silmad ja vaim, vähene liikumine ja lastele ohtliku sisu levik on tõsised probleemid. Sestap on pakutud nutiseadmete kasutamise piiramist koolis. Küsiti, vastasime:

Vaat selline on noorte elukorraldust arvestav koostöö: minister kohtus noortega nädalavahetusel, et ka kaugema kandi noortel oleks võimalik koolist puudumata kohtumisel osaleda.

🧐 Vaadake, mida noortel on öelda asendushoolduse kohta, et igal lapsel ja noorel oleks oma peres ja kodus võimalikult hea olla.
🥰 Iga laps vajab, et arvestataks just tema vajadusi ja kogemusi.