Rights of persons with disabilities

All the people, authorities, companies and organisations of Estonia must make certain that the rights of persons with disabilities are upheld in their field of activity. This is the only way of ensuring that people with disabilities feel that their rights are protected and they can participate in society on grounds equal to other people.

Application to the Chancellor of Justice Opinions

Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities

The purpose of the Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities is to advise the Chancellor of Justice on the promotion, protection, and oversight of the rights of persons with disabilities. The committee was established under Article 33(3) of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Members of the committee are selected through a public competition by a commission appointed by the Chancellor of Justice. If necessary, the Chancellor of Justice may invite new members to join the committee. Membership in the committee is personal, and participation in its work is voluntary.

The committee is elected for a term of four years and meets at least twice a year. The primary mode of operation is through meetings.

The Chancellor of Justice may consult directly with individual committee members or convene sectoral working groups for specific issues.

The opinions and recommendations of the committee members are not binding on the Chancellor of Justice.

Members of the Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities are:

  1. Mare Abner
  2. Tatjana Filippova
  3. Karl Hammerberg
  4. Andres Illak
  5. Jüri Jaanson
  6. Meelis Joost
  7. Katrin Jõgisaar
  8. Teet Kallaste
  9. Heidi Kask
  10. Signe Keerd
  11. Ain Klaassen
  12. Maarja Krais-Leosk
  13. Indrek Linnuste
  14. Kadi Lukanenok
  15. Janek Muru
  16. Valev Mägi
  17. Tiina Möll
  18. Kristi Peegel
  19. Agne Raudmees
  20. Margit Rosental-Tustit
  21. Karl Erik Saks
  22. Teresa Sale
  23. Sülvi Sarapuu
  24. Seidi Soini-Lillipuu
  25. Rasmus Taavet
  26. Ulvi Tammer-Jäätes
  27. Miret Tuur
  28. Külli Urb
  29. Villu Urban
  30. Daisy Utsar
  31. Silvia Viidik