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Since 1st of September 2015, the Chancellor of Justice has a new department, which is responsible for managing, planning and carrying out inspection visits into the authorities under supervision; performing the tasks of national preventive mechanism; developing methodologies for inspection visits; compiling summaries of visits; etc.

Taking up the post of director of the Office of the Chancellor of Justice today is Olari Koppel, who until recently was the head of the Estonian Cooperation Assembly.

On 31 March Ülle Madise took the oath of office of the Chancellor of Justice before the new Riigikogu and began to fulfil the duties of the Chancellor of Justice.

Last year, advisers to the Chancellor of Justice visited four psychiatric hospitals, six special care homes and 12 nursing care hospitals to see how the rights of residents are protected. In many institutions, problems were detected in the storage of medicines and their administration to residents. There are also doubts regarding residents’ dignity always being guaranteed in these places.

Indrek Teder, whose term as Chancellor of Justice came to an end yesterday, has transferred the official duties of the position to his deputy and adviser Nele Parrest.

Parrest will fulfil these duties until new Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise takes office. Madise will step into the role after swearing the oath of office before the new Riigikogu.


On 20th of January 2015, Riigikogu elected Ülle Madise as the new Chancellor of Justice in Estonia with 72 votes for, 9 against and 2 impartial. Ms. Madise is currently the legal adviser to the President of the Republic and the head of the Institute of Constitutional and International Law at the University of Tartu.

English summary of Annual Report 2013 consists of overview of the Chancellor of Justice's activities for the prevention of ill-treatment (OPCAT), as the ombudsman for children, for the promotion of equality and equal treatment and general proceeding statistics.


Ombudsmen at their European Regional Conference in Estonia have called on ombudsmen across Europe to raise with their national parliament the growing humanitarian crisis caused by the continuing conflict in Ukraine.

Chancellor of Justice's closing remarks at the conference “Ombudsman’s Role in a Democracy” in Tallinn.

Deputy Chancellor of Justice's speech "Ombudsman`s Role in the Control of State`s Surveillance Activities" at the conference “Ombudsman’s Role in a Democracy” in Tallinn.
Chancellor of Justice's speech at the conference “Ombudsman’s Role in a Democracy” in Tallinn.

The conference of the European Chapter of the International Ombudsman Institute Ombudsman’s Role in a Democracy will be held on the initiative of Chancellor of Justice Indrek Teder at Tallinn Teachers House from 17-19 September.

In his address at the start of the school year, Ombudsman for Children Indrek Teder urged school principals to pay attention to the importance of a safe and bullying-free school environment. He also encouraged school principals to use anti-bullying programmes more actively.

Today a new school year begins. From now on, in many families, life will follow the course directed by school.

Under the aegis of the Ombudsman for Children, the website for the ‘Bully-free school’ programme has now been completed. It offers practical advice on preventing bullying and for the resolution of cases of bullying.

The Chancellor of Justice acting also as the ombudsman for children in Estonia has published together with professionals a booklet “Bullying-free school”. The booklet gives practical recommendations for pupils, teachers and parents for the prevention of bullying and resolving bullying incidents.

The Office of the Chancellor of Justice and the Estonian Union for Child Welfare are organising the conference entitled “Bullying-free Education” that will be held on 2 April and opened by Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mary of Denmark, who will be visiting Estonia at the time.

Last year, advisers to the Chancellor of Justice made eight inspection visits to various nursing care establishments in Estonia. The inspections revealed that in several of these, patients may be held in locked rooms without reason and treated without appropriate consent and their dignity may not always be guaranteed.

Chancellor of Justice Indrek Teder has sent a proposal to Pärnu-Jaagupi Nursing Home that they stop locking the doors of patients’ rooms. The Chancellor of Justice emphasises that Pärnu-Jaagupi Nursing Home and other similar institutions have no legal grounds to lock people in their rooms.

Chancellor of Justice Indrek Teder asked the Riigikogu to pay attention to the continuing impact of invalid excessive state fees on justice proceedings.