2-day Training Seminar:
“AI and decision-making processes, compliance with the rights of individuals”
The International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) and the Office of the Chancellor of Justice of Estonia in collaboration with the e-Governance Academy (eGA) invites you to participate in a 2-day training seminar on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Tallinn ESTONIA, October 15–16, 2024.
The seminar aims to provide participants a deeper understanding on the field of AI and automatic administrative decisions (technological, legal and ethical view), improving their readiness to provide effective oversight on the human rights compliance in AI development, deployment, and use of AI systems according to their mandate. Also to evaluate, whether their information systems and evidence handling procedures are ready to handle AI-related cases.
Scope of the agenda:
The training seminar spans two full days, offering a comprehensive schedule designed to provide in-depth learning and engagement. Each day will be packed with a variety of sessions, including expert presentations and interactive discussions, ensuring that participants gain valuable insights and practical skills.
The training seminar will take place in the Office of the Chancellor of Justice of Estonia (Kohtu 8, 15193 Tallinn, Estonia).
No fee is charged for participation in the training seminar. Training-related costs, such as lecturers, the venue, coffee breaks, lunches, and dinner, will be covered by IOI funding. Each Office is expected to cover their participants' travel expenses, including flights, accommodation, and insurance.
Participants and registration:
Participation is limited to 25 persons. The training will be held in person and will not be streamed online. The training language is English.
To ensure broad and diverse representation across the IOI member organizations, we kindly request that each organization submit a maximum of two candidates for participation in the training seminar. Please designate one candidate as your priority choice and the other as a secondary option whose candidacy will be considered if additional spots are available.
Participants are expected to have a professional interest in the outlined issues and a good level of proficiency in English.
The deadline for applications is September 13, 2024.
All applicants will be notified of their registration status once the selection process is complete.
Contact of the organiser:
For any questions regarding the training seminar, please contact Ms. Kertti Pilvik, Head of International Relations and Organisational Development of the Office of the Chancellor of Justice of Estonia, at [email protected].