In addition to inspection visits, the Chancellor of Justice performs other work that prevents mistreatment, which is aimed at increasing the awareness of people working and held in detention facilities as well as of the general public of the nature of mistreatment and the need to fight it. For example, officials working under the Chancellor of Justice have carried out training and information events to increase the awareness of people working and held in detention facilities and distributed information materials during inspection visits to help people whose freedom has been restricted gain a better understanding of their fundamental rights and freedoms and to use various complaint mechanisms efficiently. In order to raise general awareness, the Chancellor of Justice and the Chancellor's advisers have published various articles about mistreatment in print media and online publications.
International cooperation with other preventive mechanisms and relevant international organisations is also extremely important to the Chancellor of Justice. The Chancellor of Justice has been active in the European network of National Preventive Mechanisms (NPM) against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and he or she has close contacts with several other NPMs in other countries.